Residents need to see how some of our elected officials are spending our money. The Mayor gets $2,000 and each Council Member gets $1,800 to communicate with their constituents. CLICK HERE: 022-09_Resolution for the Adoption if Council Guidelines for the use of Council Ward Expense Account Funds
There was no evidence of a single newsletter or flyer being sent to their constituents. During the past five years, Ward C residents never had a town hall meeting until September 2019 and residents were not notified unless they had access to smart phones or computers.
Listed below are elected officials credit card statements from July 6, 2018 to Sept. 4, 2019. I had to pay $48.35 so I stopped requesting the other elected officials’ statements. Highlighted information was on the documents when I picked them up.
Mayor Deanna Holiday Ingraham: CLICK HERE: Holiday Ingraham (A) Holiday Ingraham (B)
CM Nanette Saucier: Ward C at-Large CLICK HERE: Nanette Saucier (A) Nanette Saucier (B)
CM Myron Cook: Ward C CLICK HERE: Myron Cook (A) Myron Cook (B)
CM Sharon Shropshire: Ward A at-Large CLICK HERE: Sharon Shropshire
How much of the Electric Utility $31 million Reserve was used to pay for many of the above illegal use of taxpayers money?